Texturing Multiple Polygons in the same Object

Everything about UV-Layouts, Shading networks and Texturing in general

Texturing Multiple Polygons in the same Object

Postby OliverSylvan on Wed 23. Jul 2008, 15:48

I have maya 8.5 Unlimited and I can't figure out how to use different maps for the same object. For example I want to texture a arm so I use a cylinder map. But then I also want to texture the torso, so I would need to use another cylinder map. How do I do this? (The menu format has changed from any tutorial's online)
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Re: Texturing Multiple Polygons in the same Object

Postby darkart on Mon 15. Sep 2008, 14:16

I don't know if this is the right way to to this, but what am I doing:

first I assign the basic material to the object, second I choose the face(s) that I want to be with different shade and assign the new shade only on them.

I hope this will help you.

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Re: Texturing Multiple Polygons in the same Object

Postby m@yaman on Thu 2. Oct 2008, 11:16

You might place your uvs at different places. Say you place the head in the uv-space 0-1/0-1 the torso in 1-2/0-1 the arms 2-3/0-1 and so forth. You can do this by selecting your shells - move it a bit - undo - search for the moveuv-command in the script-editor - copy it and give it the right number.
polyEditUV -u 0.0438885 -v 0 ;
change it to
polyEditUV -u 1 -v 0 ;

then create the the file-nodes for texturing, and a plusMinusAverage-node.
Assign the output color of each file-node to the input3d(0, 1, ...., X)

In the place2D-node of each file disable wrap for u and v as you dont want repeating-texture.
change the Translate-Frame according to the offset of the uvs of your shells.

Plug the output3D-attribute of the Average-node to the color-input of your shader

Uh, Edit:

To create the uvs as you want select the faces lets say for the arm and apply the cylindrical-mapping to it. Change the shape to your needs in the uv-editor. Then select the faces of your torso, apply mapping, change if you want and so forth.
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