Particles or 2d Containers?

Particles, Fluids, Soft- and Rigid-Bodies

Particles or 2d Containers?

Postby tchan5158 on Tue 20. May 2008, 02:44


I'm attempting to make a scene where a carton of milk is pouring old lumpy milk into a glass container.

The question is, what road would be best to make milk? I have only played with particles and 2d/3d containers for only two days, and so far, the 2d/3d containers are extremely confusing. The particle emiters are easier to handle, but so far I can only make individual white spheres being poured out.

It looks nothing like milk (or any known fluid for that matter).

I went through a few tutorials on the containers and particles, but none of them showed me which options to make it look the way I wanted to. =(

I hope to find some help here. Please let me know if anyone can help :D

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Re: Particles or 2d Containers?

Postby boris on Mon 9. Jun 2008, 14:37

normally you would simulate something like milk with realFlow or something similar. When using particles in Maya you should use the blobby-type particles. At render-time they smooth out to a continous surface (if using enough particles and threshold is at the right setting)
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Re: Particles or 2d Containers?

Postby Aikiman on Tue 12. Aug 2008, 22:12

Maya 2009 has nParticles and particle meshing, unfortunately not available until October so I hear. If you can hold out until then your dreams will be answered.
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