applying normals?

Everything about UV-Layouts, Shading networks and Texturing in general

applying normals?

Postby m@yaman on Thu 2. Oct 2008, 12:01

Hi ,

I have 2 problems to get my normals working.
First, the only normal-map which will be shown in the file-node-preview in the hypershade is the one for the head of my model.
Which is in the 0-1/0-1 uv-space and only if it is a psd. Map or tif-format dont work.

Why that?

Edit (to be more discriptive):
I have 4 Body-Parts with an offset of 1(2, 3) in the u-direction for every bodypart and made normal-maps for the head, arms and legs. They got the same place2d-node as the displacement-map (which is finally working :) ). For testing reasons I gave them their own place2d-node but nothing changed.
The only normal-map which creates an effect is the one shown in the hypershade (the head). No matter which offset the others have, they have no effect and were not displayed but are looking ok in PS.

The second problem is more about general understanding.
I have a normal-map with RGB for xyz, but I can just apply the alpha-value to the bump-node (by default). So it is really like a bumb-node fed with the grey of the file-texture and not the RGB. That doesnt make any sense.

Can someone please pull me in the right direction?

Thank you in advance.
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Joined: Thu 24. Apr 2008, 15:24

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