
Everything about manipulating CVs, vertices, edges and isoparms


Beitragvon sfox8 am So 27. Apr 2008, 04:40

Well I just want to say first off that this new forum seems to be very nice. I hope it can be as helpful as it is nice looking. :]

On to my question:

I recently bought the Learning Autodesk Maya 2008 (The Modeling and Animation Handbook). It's the version that's based on Laika's Moongirl film. I'm a modeling noob when it comes to human modeling and I bought this book because I have been trying to learn human modeling for a while and this if finally a style that I really like.

Unfortunately, I've run into a problem. I'm not sure if this site is the official one for the Learning Maya books but I'll mention the page number just in case someone has it.

Anyway, on page 68 it talks about creating the eye socket. It says,

In order for the eye socket to be round, you will require at least eight vertices to shape it. You will now extrude the eye socket and then add subdivisions to the head. Extrude the face, delimiting the eye three times. first to create the eyelids, then for the thickness to the eyelid, and finally to create the eye socket inside the head.

I'm really not understanding exactly what I'm supposed to do here, and the word delimiting is rather confusing. I know what the word means, but I don't know how exactly I'm supposed to "delimit the eye three times" through extrusion. Is it possible for someone to explain what is meant by this step? What I'm supposed to do, or how I'm supposed to go about it, etc? I'm at a loss. I'd really like to continue on with the lesson but I don't want to just use the model from the disk, because I won't learn if I do.

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Fr 25. Apr 2008, 01:57

Re: "Delimiting?"

Beitragvon mistermindless am So 27. Apr 2008, 07:08

i might be able to help u if u send me that topic because i have not seen that book yet.
Zuletzt geändert von mistermindless am Di 29. Apr 2008, 13:13, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Sa 26. Apr 2008, 06:31
Wohnort: maldives

Re: "Delimiting?"

Beitragvon boris am So 27. Apr 2008, 09:53

probably he was talking about 3 nearby edge-loops around these 8 vertices .. at least that would make sense to get the thickness of the eyelid.

Thanks for the compliment concerning the forum - for sure I hope too that it is not only good-looking but will be used heavily :) Wherever I can help solving a problem, I will be there. After a while when the board is growing, we also will have some specialized mods of course..
Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Fr 18. Apr 2008, 13:50
Wohnort: Frankfurt / Germany

Re: "Delimiting?"

Beitragvon sfox8 am So 27. Apr 2008, 17:21

I've scanned the two pages where it talks about delimiting around the eyes, just so you can know what context it's being used in. As much as I've tried to understand what to do, I just can't figure out who I'm supposed to do this eye.

http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/2523/delimit1ei3.jpg and http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/3440/delimit2iq0.jpg
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Fr 25. Apr 2008, 01:57

Re: "Delimiting?"

Beitragvon boris am Mo 28. Apr 2008, 12:13

indeed it´s a little bit hard to understand what "delimiting" in this case stands for.

Anyway, the typical workflow for something like this is edge-looping 3 times around the eye-hole to get enough rows to model the thickness (like in one of the images), or - as a previous step - extruding the single face three times to get the same rows, and then deleting the top-face to get the hole.. maybe that was meant with delimiting..

Good luck
Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Fr 18. Apr 2008, 13:50
Wohnort: Frankfurt / Germany

Re: "Delimiting?"

Beitragvon mistermindless am Di 29. Apr 2008, 09:17

that means you will have to extrude that face or the ages around the eye hole three times and in three sizes.
Zuletzt geändert von mistermindless am Di 29. Apr 2008, 13:11, insgesamt 4-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Sa 26. Apr 2008, 06:31
Wohnort: maldives

Re: "Delimiting?"

Beitragvon mistermindless am Di 29. Apr 2008, 09:23

boris hat geschrieben:indeed it´s a little bit hard to understand what "delimiting" in this case stands for.

Anyway, the typical workflow for something like this is edge-looping 3 times around the eye-hole to get enough rows to model the thickness (like in one of the images), or - as a previous step - extruding the single face three times to get the same rows, and then deleting the top-face to get the hole.. maybe that was meant with delimiting..

Good luck

that explains it very well,nice job boris

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Sa 26. Apr 2008, 06:31
Wohnort: maldives

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