Online Individual Classes of 3d Design (Maya), in real-time,

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Online Individual Classes of 3d Design (Maya), in real-time,

Postby remote3dassit on Mon 22. Dec 2008, 00:39

Online Individual Classes of 3d Design (Maya), in real-time,with Remote Access from Argentina.(Basic and Intermediate modeling Level).

We use video tutorials with remote 3d technical assistance.
The teacher has access to the pc of the pupil, in remote form with control from the mouse and keyboard.
He can do 3d modeling with remote access in the Pc of the pupil.
Helping and showing the pupil how to use and understand the modeling workflow of a proyect from beginning to end, with the guide of the videos tutorials.

At all time the teacher and pupil will be talking with Internet Skype free telephone.
The teacher will only have remote access during the classes.
The remote access can be configurated On or Off with total control of the pupil, for his security.

We use Digital Tutors video tutorials as guide to model full proyects from beginning to end.

Digital Tutors website :

It is necessary for the pupil to buy Online the video tutorials from Digital Tutors to do the course.

These are a few examples of what you can do in the modeling course :

My email :

Best regards
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Joined: Mon 22. Dec 2008, 00:17

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