Learning Maya Where to start

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Learning Maya Where to start

Beitragvon balushyno1 am Mi 30. Apr 2008, 12:10

Im a noob and want to learn maya where to start?
srry for bad english.
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mo 28. Apr 2008, 07:42

Re: Learning Maya Where to start

Beitragvon m@yaman am Do 1. Mai 2008, 08:30


I guess you should start with polygonal modelling. There are a lot of tutorials in the tutorial-section of this page and throughout the internet. Then you should move to uv-layout, then texturing, rigging, animation and finally rendering. The process of learning maya will take a while(years), you need endurance.

Also, very helpfull are video-tutorials from the gnomon-workshop or digital-tutors. But you might find other video-tutorials on youtube.

And finally, but the first you should take a look at the maya-help by pressing F1.
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Do 24. Apr 2008, 14:24

Re: Learning Maya Where to start

Beitragvon balushyno1 am Do 1. Mai 2008, 09:54

Thanx mayaman ok im starting with modelling thanx.
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mo 28. Apr 2008, 07:42

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